fond farewells to some nz friends..
Let me start off with the cliche of most web logs by saying I've not updated this in a while. I hate reading that on websites, but I have become one of those lazy beggars myself.
That is not to say, however, there's not much to report. Since my last entry, I've settled in snugly to my temporary home just outside Auckland's CBD, just a little out of the city and a pleasant walk to work (although I almost always get the bus - too lazy.)
Since the last instalment, I've had to say my goodbyes to good friends who have moved on. Firstly, to Paul and Neil, who were off to spend a few days in Fiji before heading back to Blighty. Initially dorm mates in Adelaide, we again met up in Auckland, frequently partaking in jokes unanimously referring to Team America: World Police. So, a "herro" and goodbye to the Oxford boys.
Also, to Tony and Amy, Auckland's 'Entertainment Couple.' These two had been here for months and had established sporting and entertainment socials for backpackers staying in many of the hostels here - fantastic people to spend time with. I helped out with a pub crawl organised by Tony and Stray ( - well all had such a good time, I managed to lose my camera. And I'll tell you, the pictures I had on that memory card were incriminating, titillating, juvenile and degrading. Fantastic stuff; thanks for the top evening, Tony!
Last month, Amy mentioned to me that she knew someone from Saudi Arabia. It turned out that one of her old teachers in the UK, Trevor Marsden, was also my teacher when I was at school in Jeddah. Proper madness. She, along with Tony, is in Queenstown now, I believe organising events down there whilst I run the Sunday football up here until next week. It's a temporary goodbye to them as I'll be catching up with those two crazy kids when I head down South myself.
Mr. Collingwood (the guy with the blond mohawk in the pictures) also left a few weeks ago, also moving south to Queenstown. He's currently working as a plumber there, good money by the sounds of it! I'll be catching up with you soon mate, unlike Southampton, who won't be catching up with the rest of the teams in the Premiership. Unlucky, kiddo.
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