Joe's Blogs: a travelling diary

Monday, May 02, 2005

It's not all about me..

I've had this blog for a few months now, and it's intended for friends and (in parts) family. It would follow that pictures of my rels should be posted from time to time, travelling photos perhaps.

My family jetted off to Egypt with my Uncle who'd never been before and from their accounts they have a great time spending last Christmas and New Year there. So it's not just me living the travelling lifestyle, they're getting the odd holiday or two heh. We have a house over in Cairo and, being half Egyptian, quite a few relatives over there too. Even though at the time I was in Sydney, I must say it would have been nice to chill out with the folks in good Mediterrean weather.

So cheers Mum, Dad, Sarah and Hasan, I'll be seeing you soon. Only four months to go!


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